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Mehrdad Garousi


"Fire, Water, Soil and Air"

Digital art print, 21" x 24", 2009.

This complex 3D object consists of four identical but differently colored separated tape-like shapes that have been interwoven with each other. The result of this arrangement is a six-pointed shape with some kind of unusual symmetry. Each of four separated constitutive parts and also the shapes at all six arms of the final complete form are exactly the same, but their different arrangement is the reason for the final unusual symmetry. 

Mehrdad Garousi, Freelance fractal artist, painter and photographer
Hamadan, Iran

"It’s a long time that I have worked with traditional hands-on art, and I feel much interest in the probabilities and capacities of the new generation of computer aided or generated arts. However, the main field in which I am being drowned is fractal art. Recently, I have been attracted strongly by mathematical sculpting, especially by means of wonderful software such as Topmod. These kinds of software considerably ease the imagination of complex mathematical shapes, and playing with them can be done without any limitation other than the mind. Initially, I create my basic shapes in software like Topmod and do arrangements, adjustments, texturings, and final renders as final realistic sculptures in render engines like Modo. I hope to have the luck to make some of them in the real world in large scale"