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Clifford Singer


"Cut Space Series # 76" ©

Acrylic on Plexiglas, 36" x 48", 2008.

"As a model -- this painting represents a space time continuum, the singularity of beginning and end points are of an anomaly. In the painting I suggest the dynamics of a space that continually expands the structural space and geometrical fragmentation in space-time from a Big Bang. Line segments in the universe are interconnected, even when they appear to be separate from one another. In space-time curvature the geometrical strain illustrates a deformation of space. In the art one can identify a time axis with our world line. So, pursued through painting, works of art as a structured space perceived in space-time yields the image."
All Copyrights Reserved to Clifford Singer

Clifford Singer, Artist/Teacher
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

"As an artist and geometer 'infinity' has taken an important place in my life in terms of abstraction.My art combines both ancient and modern mathematical foundations ranging from Pythagoras to Einstein."